Sunday, May 17, 2020

Advaita Bhavan

Sri Advaita Acarya's house is very significant also because Srila Prabhupada visited there often to beg for empowerment to spread Krsna Consciousness in the west. In 1980 at our Caitanya Candrodoya Mandira in Mayapur, the pujari of the temple visited and told the story of Srila Prabupada's visits. This pastime was told at the Sanitpur festival this year and is also in the book "Our Srila Prabhupada a Friend to All". It is compiled by the late Mulaprakrti devi dasi ACBSP. It is a collection of interviews with people outside of ISKCON who new Srila Prabhupada before and after he began preaching in the west. The pastime is as follows. 
During the 1940's and 50's, the pujari noticed that one grhastha Bengali devotee used to come to the temple quite regularly. He was dressed in a white khadi dhoti and kurta and he always came alone. He would sit in the back of the mandira without speaking, and he would chant hari-nama on his mala very quietly and deeply. He would come on weekends, usually once every month or two. After chanting there for many hours, he would always thank the pujari and leave. Since his devotion was solitary, the pujari never disturbed him. The pujari would notice that while he chanted, his eyes would be full of tears and his voice would choke up. 

Then for a long time, he did not come back. However, the pujari remembers that in August of 1965, he saw a saffron-clothed sannyasi sitting in the back of the mandira. He recognozied him to be the person from before. Again he sat for a long time chanting Hare Krsna. He was weeping unabashedly even more than before while he took the Holy Name. Finally, as evening came, he paid his dandavat pranama for a long time. When he arose, he came up to the pujari and thanked him for his seva at Advaita Bhavan. The pujari asked him, "Who are you? I remember you from so long ago." He replied, "My name is Abhaya Caranaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja. I am an unworthy disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, Srila Prabhupada, my divine master. I have been coming here for such a long time becasue my gurudeva has given me an impossible mission. His desire was for me to go across the ocean to the Western countries and spread the sublime teaching of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I have not known how this mission of his will be successful, so I have been coming here to this special house of Advaita Acarya, where he, Nityananda Prabhu, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would gather to plan the sankirtana movement. It was here that they launched the inundation of love of God that swept India and continues to this day. Thus, I have been praying very earnestly here that they will all give me their mercy and somehow they will empower me and guide me. I want to satisfy my gurudeva's desire, but I am feeling unqualified to do this."

As he was speaking to the pujari, he saw tears falling down on his cheeks again. Then he continued, "Tomorrow I am leaving for Calcutta to go upon a ship across the ocean to America. I do not know what will befall me there, but I am praying most earnestly here for help." Then, he very humbly asked the pujari for his blessings.
It was a few year later that the pujari began to noticed, for the first time, white Vaisnavas coming to Advaita Bhavan. They were wearing dhotis and saris and chanting on tulasi-mala. The pujari never spoke to any of them but then one of them gave him a "Back to Godhead" magazine from America. As the pujari was looking through it, he saw a painting of Srila Prabhupada label as the Founder-Archaya who brought Krsna Consciousness to the West. It was a picture of his old friend, Bhaktivedanta Swami, who had come and prayed there so many times before. He then realized that he had actually accomplished that impossible mission of his gurudeva. He saw that it was indeed he, starting alone and without pretense, who had accomplished this glorious miracle against all odds. As soon as the pujari saw this, he came to the temple in Mayapura to tell this information.

Pujari from Sri Adwaita Acarya’s house in Santipura, West Bengal
by Mulaprakrti devi dasi 
[Excerpt from Our Srila Prabhupada – A Friend To All – Early Contemporaries Remember Him] 

This story was heard in Mayapura in 1980. A man came to the ISKCON’s Caitanya Candrodoya Mandira carrying with him a copy of the Back of Godhead article about Srila Prabhupada, entitled A Lifetime in Preparation.
“Just recently an amazing realization occurred to me that I wanted to share with devotees everywhere. I have been the pujari and sevaite at the house of Adwaita Acarya for many years. I was also there back in the 1940’s and 50’s. At that time, I noticed that one grhasta Bengali devotee used to come to the temple quite regularly. He was dressed in a white khadidhoti and kurta and he always came alone. He would sit in the back of the Mandira without speaking, and would chant harinama on his mala very quietly and deeply. I noticed that he came on the weekends, usually once every month or two in regular way. After chanting there for many hours, he would always thank me when he left. His presence was profound and I became attracted to him. Since his devotions were solitary, I never spoke to disturb him. Sometimes I happened to notice that while he was chanting, his eyes would be full of tears and his voice would be choked up.”

“Then, for a very long time he did not come. However, I distinctly recall that in August of 1965, I saw a saffron-clothed sannyasi sitting in the back of the Mandira. In a moment I recognized him to be my old friend from before. Again he sat for a long time chanting Hare Krsna. I could see his beads moving, his eyes closed in concentrated devotion. He was weeping unabashedly even more than he used to while he took the Holy Name. Finally, as evening came, he paid his dandavat pranama for long time. When he arose he came up to me and again thanked me for my seva here at Adwaita Bhavan. I asked him. Who are you? I remember you from so long ago.’”

“He replied, ‘My name is Abaya Caranaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja. I am an unworthy disciple of His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, Srila Prabhupada, my divine master. I have been coming here for such a long time because my Gurudeva has given me an impossible mission. His desire was for me to go across the ocean to the Western countries and spread the sublime teachings of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. There are countless souls there who have never heard of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna and so they are suffering greatly. I have not known how this mission of his will be successful, so I have been coming here to this special house of Adwaita Acarya, where he, Nityananda Prabhu, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would gather together to plan the sankirtana movement. It was here that they launched the inundation of love of God that swept India and continues to this day. Thus, I have been praying very earnestly here that they will all give me their mercy that somehow they will empower me and guide me. I want to satisfy my gurudeva’s desire, but I am feeling unqualified to do this.’”
“As he was speaking to me, I saw tears falling down on his cheeks again. Then he continued, ‘Tomorrow I am leaving for Calcutta to go upon a ship across the ocean to America. I do no know what will befall me there, but I am praying most earnestly here for help.’ Then he very humbly asked me for my blessings. I was indeed moved by this Vaisnava’s sincerity and determination was I watched him depart upon his journey.”

“It was a few years later that I began noticing, for the first time, white Vaisnavas coming to Adwaita Bhavan. They were wearing dhotis and saris and chanting on tulasi-mala. I never spoke to any of them but then one of them gave me this “Back to Godhead” magazine from America. As I looked at the photographs, suddenly I recognized a painting of the Founder-Acarya who had brought Krsna consciousness to the West. It was a picture of my friend, Bhaktivedanta Swami, who had come and prayed here so many times before. Then I realized that he has actually accomplished that impossible mission of his Gurudeva. I saw that it was indeed he, starting alone and without pretense, who had accomplished this glorious miracle against all odds.”

“As soon as I saw this, I came here to his temple in Mayapura to tell you this information. I know that he has gone from this world now, but I thought perhaps you might want to know this story about you and my beloved Srila Prabhupada.”

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Family Photo

Srila Prabhupada (Allahabad 1924) --Very old family photo of

Standing: Radharani (wife of Srila Prabhupada), Tulasi (nephew of Srila Prabhupada), Krishna Charan (younger brother of Srila Prabhupada)

Sitting: Srila Prabhupada (with black hair and black moustache) with his son Prayag Raj, Sri Gour Mohan (the father of Srila Prabhupada), Rajesvari (the sister of Srila Prabhupada) with Sulakshmana, the little daugther of Srila Prabhupada.


Srila Prabhupada very nicely describes the Dayitapati servants of lord jagannath: “The word Daita refers to one who has received the mercy of the lord. Lord Jagannath has a number of stalwart servants known asDaitas.These servants of Lord Jagannath take care of the Lord from the day of the Snana-Yatra up to the time the Lord is carried from the throne to the Chariots. The Ksetra-mahatmya says these Dayitas or Dayita-Patiscome from the sabaras who come from the brahmin caste. The Dayitapati’s offer food such as sweetmeats to Lord Jagannath during the anavasara and an infusion of drugs represented by fruit juice. It is said that in the beginning Lord Jagannath was worshiped by the sabaras and was known as the Deity Nila Madhava. Later when the Deity was established in the temple, the Lord became Known as Jagannath”

Honor Departure

Monday, May 11, 2020


Books / How to Read / Reviews





Causeless Mercy





Sri Lankan Prasad Thakura. Brother' of HDG Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Swami Maharaj.

National Hotel, Red park, Moscow, Russia
21st June, 1971.

My dear uncle Prabhupada Lalita Prasad Thakur,
Kindly accept my humble obeisance to your lotus feet. At present I am staying at the above mentioned hotel in Moscow, Room No. 356. With me there are two American disciples.
Here the preaching subject will be
1. Vedic Conception of Communism,
2. Knowledge derived from authoritative tradition,
3. Scientific classless society. Now with your blessing in this severely atheistic country the teachings of Sriman Mahaprabhu will be preached.

Here many local and foreigner girls and boys have visited. I advise them to do the Bhajana of the Lord. A few boys of this place have become very much impressed after listening to our Harinama. They want to join us.

But the laws of this country are so tough that they cannot go against them. Here discussions are going on to meet many reputable professors and there will be the arrangement of lecture in the Indian Embassy. You bless me.

From here I will go to Paris, San Francisco, Los Angeles, London etc. This is the first time I came to Moscow. If you want to write to me, send it to this address—3764 Watseka Avenue.
Yours affectionately, Sri Bhaktivedanta Swami
(from Bhaktivedanta Research Centre’s Birnagar Collection)

Getting Out of the Material Mire


Photo with Deity



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