Saturday, May 15, 2010

Ten Hands

Prabhupada: Everything is theory. No practical. [break] ...ten direction. Eight direction, corner, and northeast, east-west, and up and down. So everywhere He is present. So Krsna has got ten hands. So my father used to say, "When Krsna takes your money or possession in ten hands, how you can protect it with two hands? And when He give you in ten hands, how much you can take in two hands?" (laughs) So in my case it has become practical. Everything He has taken in ten hands, and now He is giving in ten hands. (laughter) I am practically experiencing. My Guru Maharaja ordered me, "You do this." I was trying to save my business, my family, with two hands, and Krsna took it in ten hands. And now, after making me beggar, He is giving me, ten hands: "You take as much as you like." Now I am thinking of my father's instruction. [break] ...ambition was that I become a great de... bhagavata. That was his... He used to invite so many saintly persons, and he would pray, "Please bless my son" -- I was very pet son -- "that he may become a devotee of Radharani. Radharani may bless him." That was his only prayer.

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