Saturday, July 31, 2010

Three Modes Of Nature

Srila Prabhupada has described at different times the three modes of nature as corresponding to different colors. Goodness is compared to yellow, passion to red and ignorance compared to blue. When we take these colors and mix them in different pro­portions we can make different color combinations. Three multi plied by three makes nine and nine multiplied by nine makes eighty‑one. It can go further and further in subtle combinations of the material modes that affect any particular soul trapped in this material world. Therefore at times we find someone whose modes basically agree with us but there will be always some differences due to different subtle combinations of shades of the material modes, which cause different bodies, characters, situa tions etc, within the material world.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Everything Auspicious Comes To You

Every vibration is stored in the atmosphere be it material or spiritual. So creating a spiritual vibrations is very important. Devotees think, how to glorify Lord, where to go and preach, how can I serve Srila Prabhupada - then these vibrations stay in atmosphere, thus cleaning the atmosphere around the devotees and temple. If you are engaged in thinking auspicious things and about Krishna, everything auspicious comes to you.


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